Dear Mum—A Mother’s Day Letter

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Dear Mum—A Mother’s Day Letter


Dear Mum,

Mother’s Day is a day to honor you. To say how grateful I am for everything you have done for me. So here is a letter from me to you.

First, thank you for giving birth to me and giving me a chance to live in this crazy world. It has its ups and downs, but I’m glad to be on the ride.

Thank you for reading to me incessantly as a young child. Those stories fed my imagination.

Thank you for speaking to me about respect, common courtesy, privilege, decisions and their consequences, honesty, love, pride, arrogance, acceptance, patience, work ethic, and standing for what you believe in. Those conversations grew my maturity.

Thank you for being random and silly, bursting into my room shouting: “Get in the car, we’re driving to the coast for pizza!” or doing your famous Chicken Dance across the family room. You inspired my humor.

Thank you for showing me the strength of doing what is right even when it hurts, and in holding your tongue and turning your ear while others continue to speak of what they do not know. You taught me courage.

Thank you for believing in me, no matter the path I took. Some mothers would say their daughters were crazy for pursuing being a writer, and try to convince them to choose another, more promising goal. You cheered me on.

Thank you for always doing everything you could to be there for me. Thank you for being one of my best friends.

I know you are not perfect. You are human, you have your faults. But how you acknowledge your imperfections and do your best to learn from your mistakes is what makes you so amazing.

You are superwoman. You are my mother, and I love you to the moon and back.

Happy Mother’s Day,

Jo B

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