10 Simple Writing Tips
Tip #1: When you wake up every morning decide what time that day you can set aside to write, and stick to it. This will go a long way toward getting that manuscript done. Click to Tweet
Tip #2: Guard your writing time, whether it’s scheduled beforehand or not. There will be times when you can’t avoid being pulled away, but do your best to keep your writing time respected and uninterrupted. Click to Tweet
Tip #3: Keep a tight rein on exclamation points and question marks. Let the words and the character’s actions convey emotion. Click to Tweet
Tip #4: Read what you write aloud. This will help you catch mistakes and find bits that are awkward to the ear. Click to Tweet

Tip #5: Read the works of great writers. If you have good writing circling in your mind it is more likely to filter into your work. Click to Tweet
Tip #6: Stick to “he/she said” as much as possible, rather than using verbs like “he exclaimed”, “she gasped”, “he shouted”, or “he groaned”. Click to Tweet
Tip #7: Occasionally cut “he/she said” and use a sentence to identify who is speaking. Such as: “I know.” She looked out the window in despair. Click to Tweet
Tip #8: Avoid adjectives. Example: Turn “The pots gleamed in the bright, sparkling sunlight.” to “The pots gleamed in the sunlight.” Click to Tweet
Tip #9: Stop writing for the day while you still want to continue. This will bring you back to the keyboard tomorrow. Click to Tweet
Tip #10: Description is the POV character’s view of the world. See the world through his/her eyes. Click to Tweet
Just B. Jordan is an award-winning author of fantasy and sci-fi. She graduated high school a year early and received her first publishing contract at the age of 18. To Ashes We Run is her most recent novel. Find it here.
Brent King
I especially love #5. I play the piano by ear, and I’ve noticed that when I play music by the great masters, their music bleeds into mine when I’m just improvising and improves my unique style.
It has to work the same for reading…
Just B. Jordan
I love #5 too. It’s a good excuse to read more, right? ;)