Bud Break: Nature’s Signal of Spring 

Winter is fading, and the slow warmth of spring in the valley is beginning to take hold. The hint of warmth in our days incites a subtle but significant transformation. Bud break. The beginning of a new growing season.

Bud Break, or bud burst, is when the vines wake from their winter dormancy and begin growing new leaves. The green tips will only appear along the grape vines when the average daily temperatures rise above 50 degrees.

If you take a drive through vineyards, some blocks will show far more vibrant green foliage while others have only just begun to break and remain a drab brown; different grape varietals break buds earlier than others.

It’s a simple yet critical moment in vineyards, marking the onset of vine activity. This moment may begin slowly, but in the coming months, visible growth will happen daily.

At this stage, the bud’s biggest threat is frost. If temperatures drop below 32 degrees, the buds could be lost for the season. Losing a block, varietal, or a whole vineyard for the year would be a massive blow to any winery.

Now winemakers will keep our fingers crossed for mild weather and look forward to the vine’s next stage: flowering.

(And this is my first venture into making some viticulture, enology, or winery touring videos. And practicing some wine writing. Let me know what you think. I am by no means an expert – I jumped into exploring this industry a few weeks ago. 😂🤟)

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