Just B. Jordan was born to live a thousand lives, but she’s only mortal, so she took to telling herself stories. One day she decided to give those worlds flesh and bone through paper and ink.
She graduated high school a year early and received her first publishing contract at 18.
Her first novel, Never To Live, was originally published by Marcher Lord Press (now Enclave Publishing), and she has had several short stories published in magazines including GoHavok, Spark, and Splickety.
She is a contributing writer on the sci-fi film Mount Adams (2021), and writer of Life Cycle 63 (TBA).
She also has a fiction podcast called Imperfect Expressions, where she reads her most popular short stories.
- JBJNovels@gmail.com
Echofall Rising novels:
- Never to Live
- To Ashes We Run

- Rebirth: Havok Season One
- The Practical Puppy Bootcamp: Week One
- The Practical Puppy Bootcamp: Week Two
- Parable award winner (Never To Live) – 2019
- Editor’s Choice award (Life Cycle 63) – 2019
- Parable award finalist (To Ashes We Run) – 2020

Recent Interviews:
- Interview by Nathan Lumbatis
- Interview by Enclave Publishing
- Gate Beautiful Radio Interview
- Interview at The Flaming Pen