I wrote this flash fiction story last year while I was bored on a plane flight. I never finished the last lines though, because we landed, and I never was sure how to end it the way I wanted. I think I finally figured it out today.
And if it must be said, no AI was involved. ;)
I think I’m calling it The Princess Ploy. It’s short enough that it can qualify as micro fiction, but not quite nano fiction, I believe.
Here’s the 90 word story:
The Princess Ploy
Murder, murder, the stone that killed her.
Everyone yearned for that pale fire blush,
To feel the weight of princely love,
But she saw the gift for what it was.
A rock could do nothing but grace her neck.
And she saw the gift for what it would be.
A rock could do nothing but cut her throat.
Murder, murder, he should have loved her.
The princess ploy bought to be hushed,
welcomed fate, a dignity dove.
Murder, murder, the stone that killed her
Is worn by a new queen now.
I also made a little video on Instagram where I typed it on my typewriter. You can watch it here.

Just B. Jordan is an award-winning author of fantasy and sci-fi. She graduated high school a year early and received her first publishing contract at the age of 18. To Ashes We Run is her most recent novel. Find it here.
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