My First Book Signing

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My First Book Signing


I was invited to hold a book signing at Vectors Espresso a little while ago. I was happy for the opportunity! We scheduled a date and I began to prepare. I surfed around the web a bit, gathering info on what authors typically brought to a signing(aside from their books and some pens, of course!), and how they set up their table.

Since it would be difficult to have a themed table with the nature and setting of my books, I decided to at least have a color scheme. I went with greens and browns. They went well with the cover of Never To Live. I did have some black highlights, but I was careful with that color; I didn’t want my table to look too dark and intimidating, even if my books are psychological dark fantasy. :)

I showed up early and began to set up my table. I had more space to work with than I expected. And here I had been worried that I was bringing too much to set out!


Vectors even wrote a little sign that hung on their wall!


I only set out a small pyramid of books, and kept the rest under the table. I brought my business cards and rack cards(cards with the books information on it), so if anyone didn’t want to buy a book right then but were still interested, they could take a rack card with them and remember to check it out later! I also had a bowl of candies and a drawing for a gift card set out to help draw people over. I’m happy with how the table turned out. What do you think?

It was a great experience. I learned a lot from it. Especially that I need to be better about engaging people in conversation first. My introvert was showing. ;)

Thank you Vectors Espresso for having me over, it was fun!

Book Signing


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